Helen: For the few months before the start of ibstART we were brainstorming many ideas for what we could have done for the club. We were thinking of ways to make the club fun for our members and ideas included having trendy art sessions (similar to the mug making from the year before) or even an end of year mural project. Another thing that we thought of was making a book or some form of recording our art. We would have small meetings on train rides home, or during lunch and after school. We kept thinking of ways to support such a project with only two people and at times this did feel like a challenge because there was so much we could or couldn’t do. We ended up having a bake sale that raised $54 which we used to buy art materials later on before the club started, and had made plans to create a small community of art makers that could keep the club running and continue running bake sales so we can continue the club without using any of the art materials that belonged to the school.
Olivia: As we were nearing the start date of our club we had to finalize our plans for all the sessions we had wanted to make. We created a schedule of exactly what activities we planned on doing each class, with which medium. We had created a plan for each medium, a warm up activity for each meeting, a set of prompts for each meeting that people could be inspired by, a set amount of free drawing time, and we figured out what objects we would bring to do still-life studies. It was a guide for us to use as sessions passed, so we could finish exploring all the mediums we had decided on by the end of the school year. We already had bought the materials for the pencil medium, with the money we made from a bakesale, totaling $54, and were planning on paying for the rest of the materials ourselves with other bakesales. We also wanted to create a final piece/item for our club, that our club members would be able to take home, like stickers, or a tote bag with a print on it to create enthusiasm around the end of the year.